sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

Isabel Allende's biography

Chilean writer, was born in Lima in 1942. Daughter of a Chilean diplomat who inculcated his interest for the letters, Isabel Allende dealed studies of journalism. While it was beginning in the writing of plays and infantile stories, it was employed as editor and columnist at the written press and the television.

In 1962 it married with Michael Frías, of whom it should be divorced in 1987, after having had two children: Paula - who died, victim of porfiria, in 1992-and Nicolás. In 1973, after the Chilean military coup headed by the general Pinochet, in which he died his uncle, the president Salvador Allende, left his country and established itself in Caracas, where it initiated his literary production.

The Isabel Allende's first great novel, The house of the spirits, near the so called " magic realism " was published in 1982. Stocks on the recollections of infancy and youth of the own writer, The house of the spirits narrates the incidents of the familiar saga of the Trueba along four generations.

 Passed two years from the publication of The house of the spirits, Isabel Allende returned to the shelves of the bookshops with another splendid novel that was mixing again the rarefied political situation of his mother land, it is a question of the qualified work Of love and of shade.

In the literary plane, he confesses that when it begins to write she generates a place, an epoch and the prominent figures and the history are giving each other for yes alone, that is to say, it does not have an initial plan with all the actions. Several of his books have born of letters or personal reflections; The house of the spirits and Paula, they are examples of this. Paula composed as an honoring his daughter and, though many experts catalogue the work in the autobiographical kind, she itself indicates that it is more like a "memory" because it is not a biography in strict sense but a collection of recollections nearer to the fiction that to the reality, though the latter inspired it.

When he was a journalist the others were his story; she had right to touch the stamp of a house, get inside and to do questions or stop a stranger to half a street and interrogate it it brings over of personal things (thoughts).

His work has been classified under the literary movement known as Post-Boom, though some experts prefer the term " The Newest literature ". This movement is characterized by the return to the realism, a prose simplest to read so gets lost the worry for creating new ways of writing (goal - literature), the emphasis in the history, the local culture, between others.

In September, 2010, it has been rewarded by the National Prize of Literature of Chile for " the excellence and contribution of his work to the literature, which has incited attention in Chile and abroad, and also it has been recognized by multiple distinctions and has revalued the paper of the reader ". On having received called of the Secretary of Education Chilean Joaquín Lavín, the writer and Chilean journalist, it indicated that: " This prize is the more important thing that I have received in my life ". Isabel Allende like that turned into the fourth woman in receiving this award, they preceded Gabriela Mistral (1951), Marta Brunet (1961) and Marcela Paz (1982).